Highest Rated Comments

SirSeizureSalad45 karma

I ordered from you years back, but I saw an add recently on Dungeons of Drakkenheim (live dnd campaign) and I just wanted to say it's awesome you all advertise on smaller channels. It helps encourage those channels to grow and it's way more personal than just some random banner that I have blocked.

Do you all have any other interesting ways in the future to advertise, like an ambassador program or some sort of referral program that would allow normal people like me to accrue "Hero Bucks" that I could then spend on your website? I need more minis!

P.S. I signed up for the kickstarter the second I saw it open and I've posted the links all over discord to spread the good news and encourage people to do it also.

SirSeizureSalad36 karma

We have a whole subreddit for the banana up the butt thing, but it's private and I can't share it with non-Yellow Boomerangers.

SirSeizureSalad16 karma

I shoulda called it Yellow Submariners, maybe that would entice you?