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Sinrus244 karma

How do you strike a balance between writing about specific physical actions and writing about general feelings and emotions that are happening during sex?

Sinrus8 karma

Oh man, I loved The Pushcart War when I was a kid. Learning about a screenplay for it just made my day.

Sinrus8 karma

I used to play Warlight, and I would describe it as basically just Risk. A few added game elements, and concurrent turns, but still essentially Risk+

Sinrus2 karma

Russia man is come to village yesterday. He is saying of new Politburo to provide much potato. Is also of promise no gulag.

Sinrus1 karma

What was up with that scene where he gets spontaneously struck by lightning and then just stands up again and keeps going? I absolutely adore Moonrise Kingdom but this one thing never ceases to bother me.