Highest Rated Comments

SilentC7354 karma

Hi Helen.

I'm curious what you believe the deciding factor is that marks someone being binary or non-binary.

I ask this because I have met multiple people who don't necessarily act like the stereotypical male or female. Yet despite that, they don't try to identity themselves as a different gender or non-binary.

So if a male can act in generally female ways but still be a male, then how exactly does a spectrum fit into this? Aside from the differences in human anatomy, I don't see any other difference in male and females, meaning that being non-binary is simply how you act and has no relevance in whether you're male or female.

SilentC7352 karma

Are you a dog person or a cat person?

SilentC7351 karma

Cool but like... which do you prefer?

SilentC735-2 karma

Dogs or cats?