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Shotz718128 karma

That must be your source. Distribution system operator here. We can practically pump straight from our deep wells in the system I work for. The worst thing we have is very high iron and manganese content from certain wells.

We do zero surface intake though which makes things much easier.

Shotz7185 karma

I oversimplified but there's still very little we have to do for sanitary water vs surface intake systems even in the local region.

Shotz7182 karma

Not OP but hard water isn't really an issue in most cases. Just means it has a mineral content. Most water systems prefer hard water as it's less corrosive in the distribution system.

If you get calcium deposits on shower heads or screened taps or notice limescale buildup on sinks/toilets/tubs that's the easiest way to tell.

If you're on city water you most likely have only moderately hard water. On a well you could have extremely hard (to the point of damaging appliances) water in certain cases.

Moderately hard water is completely harmless and you need do nothing for protecting your family. If it's a problem or you prefer soft water, a water softener would be your solution but they can be quite expensive.