Highest Rated Comments

ShotgunZen36 karma

Flowback, get off the phone, give me the current rate and watch the damn choke! Coil Tubing here, Oklahoma.

ShotgunZen17 karma

I saw you sleeping in that damn truck and the way I see that stream flowing from that choke tells me that its completely washed out! No way in hell we are still flowing at 3 bpm. Now if you guys buy our crew a steak dinner tonight maybe we will look the other way....

ShotgunZen17 karma

I was adopted and found out that my birth mother was Armenian. What can I do to become more involved with and understand more of my heritage?

ShotgunZen8 karma

Palmer Station is the smallest? Really? I was stationed at the Black Island Communication station in 96, and it was just me and one other person. Heres a link for you... http://www.adventure-journal.com/2011/04/weekend-cabin-black-island-antarctica/ And I have pictures and blog address if you would like them too.

ShotgunZen7 karma
