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Shlano61333 karma

Who is your narrator and how do I get him to narrate my life?

Shlano61314 karma

If a guy refuses to give a get to his wife he's the equivalent of the scum of the fucking earth. There's a crisis now with incredibly narcissistic and deeply resentful men that hold it over their wifes' heads and get married to someone else (which baffles me that anyone would marry a guy like that) while she's stuck in a rut for 15 years.

I'm in the camp of putting together a hit squad to kneecap anyone who refuses a get to their wife.

Shlano61314 karma

Not a question but as a side note for people just getting to the thread now (like me) - Any self respecting and/or reputable Rabbi nowadays won't let people get married without them signing a Prenup agreement that basically says that either party (the husband or the wife) can initiate the divorce, effectively remedying the problem.

Don't wanna give your wife a get? Good for you, she doesn't need you to, she has that power do herself.

My Rabbi didn't let my wife and I get married without it and anyone who does get married without it (like in many ultra othrodox communities) is just asking for trouble.

This whole situation is so so unfortunate and I just wanna break the legs of every guy who doesn't let his wife move on. Absolute pieces of shit.

Shlano6134 karma

Correct. According to Jewish law, a man can have multiple wives, while a woman cannot. The guy can get remarried, but until she's "released" from her current marriage, she can't move on and get remarried.

Shlano6132 karma

I'm still in favor of Agunah hit squads that search out and kneecap these fuck heads. I know plenty of IDF veterans (including myself) that would be up for it