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ShitOnAReindeer19 karma

From this answer, I’m curious to know if you can tell if somebody is lying? I’ve heard a lot that when someone lies, their movements and twitches are a bit “off” somewhat, have you experienced that?

ShitOnAReindeer9 karma

Hi there! How are suicidal patients dealt with? (And thank you so much for doing this AMA)

ShitOnAReindeer4 karma

As a lucid dreamer - do you have any ways of waking of up fully? I know it’s shitty and messes with your sleep, but, if it’s my only way out, a full awakening and quick trip to the bathroom and blasting my face with cold water helps me.

ShitOnAReindeer3 karma

I think you may have mis-clicked on the wrong persons reply button, it was the person before asking for the “wake-up” advice. While you’re here though, out of curiosity, why would you not advise an instant wake up? When I’m in an unpleasant spell, I find the instant way to be better than the slower ways, because with the slower ways, I feel uneasy for hours after I wake up.

ShitOnAReindeer3 karma

That doesn't sound like a good experience. I really hope things are going a bit better now.