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ShadeofIcarus510 karma

It doesn't. I'm very much in the same boat.

One of my closest friends is Trans. I was one of the first (I think the first?) people she came out to. She was worried that our friend group would shun her and hate her.

See, I knew the opposite to be true because she was one of the most amazing people I knew. She came out, and everyone embraced her (perks of living in the SFBay I guess).

She really came into herself over the next few years. Came out to her Parents, stood up to her shitty dad, got on Horemones. I remember getting invited to picking out the new outfits trip with the girls because she wanted a "Male Opinion" it was fun.

We had a whole conversation about love and relationships at some point. I remember her asking me "Would you date me".

It was a hard question to answer. It took me a solid minute to put together my thoughts.

In all honesty, if she had been born a Woman, in a heartbeat. Unfortunately the things I look for in someone include wanting a biological family, and well... I like vaginas (don't get me wrong, Anal is fun, but just the thought of a penis that isn't mine turns me off, its why a lot of porn isn't my thing). I told her she shouldn't try to force something with someone that isn't attracted to her, but find somone that would love and embrace her for who she is, and that there are plenty of people out there who are attracted to exactly that (Again.... San Fran and some examples in this very thread). We got her dating, and her self esteem skyrocketed.

But to me that's what's so cool about sexuality, different people are attracted to a huge variety of different things. None of it is "wrong" really. Its not like you can control your sexuality. You can control your actions and how you treat people, and that's where being transphobic is. Treat them like a human with their own feelings, needs, and desires, and respect those.

Its the same as not being homophobic. You don't have to sleep with a gay man to not be homophobic. You can politely turn down a come on, buy them a drink, then play wingman.

/u/imfinethough I get that about right?

ShadeofIcarus88 karma

A historian shouldn't feel shame for documenting atrocities.

You can document the Holocaust while also feeling rage and disgust at the people who committed it.

ShadeofIcarus76 karma

I'm not sure if he's serious or making a cum joke.

ShadeofIcarus67 karma

What do you think is going to be the scariest thing to come out of quantum research?

ShadeofIcarus45 karma

I think a better phrasing is "Was there an event that inspired you to advocate for this specific cause".

For me a lot of my passion for it was when a close friend came out to me, was anxious our friend group wouldn't accept her, and they did with open arms.

Then seeing how her father treated her and having to be there while her mother kicked him out because he would get physical and they didn't want to call the police.

A very formative series of events in my early 20s that shaped my views moving forward.