Highest Rated Comments

SelectstarfromCA73 karma

Do you think you might actually give Roy Moore the vote considering you're not getting his base but you might/probably will get some of Doug Jones votes?

SelectstarfromCA54 karma

Straw purchasers who are "shocked" that it got stolen.

SelectstarfromCA48 karma

It already gave us this dipshit president

SelectstarfromCA17 karma

Ex O 12333 says 2.10Human Experimentation. No agency within the Intelligence Community shall sponsor, contract for or conduct research on human subjects except in accordance with guidelines issued by the Department of Health and Human Services. The subject's informed consent shall be documented as required by those guidelines.

So if you can get the DHS to issue some guidelines you can experiment on people. That's not a recipe for disaster.

Also the words

except for

Are in basically every rule meaning there are no rules without exceptions or really no rules at all.

SelectstarfromCA2 karma

I remember seeing a comic called the 99 and it seemed like a fantastic idea but it's gone. Is Ms. Marvel being angled for a cross cultural super hero due to her history or is this likely to remain in the US market?