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ScumEater10 karma

I never once got the sense it was neckbeards doing this. More like jocks and just normie jackwads.

ScumEater5 karma

Thanks so much for posting this, OP (assuming you're still here). My ex was a supporter of Peta in the 80s/90s, as well as WWF, and others. She took in sick, stray, and homeless animals whenever and wherever it was necessary and I massively respect her for it.

I've also known some pretty militant animal rights proponents - if they weren't in the ALF I'd be surprised - and I respect a lot of what they stand for. You really only have to see one or two animal testing videos or farm animal welfare videos to get on board with much of what they espouse. Loving animals helps.

Personally, much of Peta makes me sad. Their behavior and tactics are just stupid and alienating. That said I don't always know where the truth lies in regard to them so I reserve judgment and continue to support much of their effort. However misguided Peta is I believe they deserve some respect and a little less knee-jerking. Not everyone can or will do exactly what you want and when and how you'd like it done.

Then again, it's up to every individual to decide their own values vs. BS threshold and to act accordingly. The problem as I see it is that too many people use Peta's inanity as a springboard to either do nothing at all or worse speak out against animal welfare because, you know, Peta.

Please don't do this, people. I'm far from an activist myself, but please try harder to understand the consequences of inaction in regards to animal welfare. Stand up for it whenever you can. Try to change minds. Speak up. Take anti-peta propaganda (or any propaganda) at face value until you actually know the truth. The end game for these propagandists is free reign to mistreat animals as well as people whenever necessary to line their own pockets.

And most importantly maybe, try to convince Peta to be less stupid. There is good to be had there, it just suffers from some stupendously bad decision-making and a lack of understanding of how actual humans perceive them.

Sorry for the rant. Went on longer than I'd intended.

TLDR: Peta is mostly dumb but not completely useless.

ScumEater-1 karma

I was a singer back in my early 20s. We practiced pretty often, so it came as a big surprise when we finished our first show and the guitar player and keyboard player quit immediately afterwards. I take full responsibility for probably sucking due to stage fright (but hey I did it at least), but it sure doesn't feel great to have people quit on you rather than suggesting to work harder or something. That said, if there's no hope there's no reason to continue.