Highest Rated Comments

ScopeOfTheFatedSky601 karma

Oh, actually, that's not...I mean...I just wondered if...it led to other deformities...


ScopeOfTheFatedSky255 karma

Thank you for doing this AMA. Your eyes are absolutely gorgeous.

Are you fully physically functional everywhere else on your body?

ScopeOfTheFatedSky175 karma

When I watched your speech, you talking about your mom's MS for some reason really struck home to me, and hopefully it did for the congressman as well. Nothing like a debilitating disease to show that you and your moms are people to and susceptible to the same problems that any heterosexual person is. How is your mom doing?

I've shown your speech to a few of my very conservative friends and you, good sir, have changed quite a few minds of Alabama Southern Baptists. The look that came over their faces when they heard your speech and years of ingrained bigotry came loose gave me great hope. Please, don't stop! Keep pushing for other states. I hope one day my best friend will be able to meet someone he loves and get married here in Alabama. If you're ever inclined to come down south, please let me know!

Last point:

"We don't do illegitimate children."


ScopeOfTheFatedSky21 karma

While you were there, did anyone die or become critically injured?

ScopeOfTheFatedSky19 karma

wow, that is such a complicated and disgusting process. What was your friend originally in jail for?