Highest Rated Comments

Scipion756 karma

I'll never stop being sickened by pointless mutilations of children just to meet the parents' idea of genitals. I'm sorry you had that happen to you without your knowledge or consent.

Scipion82 karma

This is the thing that makes me the most upset. I, the consumer and user, am currently paying my ISP for a set amount of internet at a set speed. What I personally use that internet for should not matter at all. I have every right to consume content that uses the full extent of the service they are providing, it is quite literally what I pay for.

Scipion27 karma

I remember reading something recently (the AMA of the girl with no bottom jaw?) that replacing jawbones is really, really hard to do and we're not quite there medically.

Scipion27 karma

Wow, that's uncanny. I thought for sure he was pitching his voice for it...but he's actually Tina.

Scipion17 karma

Blaming God means they don't have to think about the issue anymore. It's the Alt+F4 of critical thinking.