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ScienceShawn37 karma

How did it not chop through your jugular? It looks like it went straight through. How close was it to cutting your jugular? Did it hit it and not cut it but just pull on it? Sorry about all the questions, I'm just incredibly surprised it didn't cut clean through it.

ScienceShawn33 karma

I apologize in advance for the length of this post, please hear me out, I'm an aspiring planetary scientist and I've been looking for a place to ask a lot of the questions I've put here relating to your careers. It's long but it would mean the world to me if you answered even one of my questions.

The forecast where I am is terrible tonight so I won't be able to see the Blood Moon unfortunately. I'll still go out in the rain hoping for even a split second break in the clouds to see it. I was going to take pictures through my telescope but that's not happening because of the rain. ANYWAY, is there a website I can go to to see a live feed of the event? I want to witness it somehow.

I have another question, it's not related to the Blood Moon so I hope that's alright with you guys. I want to be a planetary scientist one day. I'm a freshman in college and I've been trying to find a career that suits my interests for years and I think I've finally done it. My goals are to work at NASA and eventually get into space, preferably to the Moon, asteroids, Mars, and beyond (a guy can dream, can't he?) but I'd be ecstatic even if I just made it to LEO. How can I accomplish my dream? How much math would be involved with this career? I struggle greatly with math but I'll do whatever it takes to succeed. I've never heard of a planetary science major, what were your majors? I'm not an expert but it seems like having planetary scientists on any mission to other worlds would be a good idea because of the skills and knowledge they possess. Is this true? Will it be possible for me to make it on a mission in this career? I'm really sorry about all the questions and the length of this post, I've been looking for someone to ask these things for a while so I was incredibly excited when I saw this AMA. Thank you for your time and thank you for what you do! -Shawn

ScienceShawn14 karma

If this comet were passing as close to Earth as it is to Mars, what effect would our magnetic field have on the plasma? Would it strip it away from the comet and funnel it to the poles similar to solar wind?
Thank you for this AMA!
Oh, one last question, and this may be stupid, but will the comet be visible from Earth? I know we're moving away from Mars and it's only visible close to the horizon at dusk now, but if I took my telescope out would I be able to see it? It's not the best telescope but I'm able to see the very very small disk of Mars.

ScienceShawn1 karma

Chopper: Relevant