Highest Rated Comments

SaxyTribo8 karma

How many people tell you they "desperately want to make love to a schoolboy"?

SaxyTribo4 karma

How much down time is there generally on a show day? Also, are there certain venues you've come to easily navigate because you've been there so many times?

SaxyTribo2 karma

Swiss Army Man was an incredible experience for me in the theater. You guys made the most refreshing movie I've ever seen. Do you hope that your film shows filmmakers that they should think outside the box more, especially when most big (successful) movies usually don't do anything as risky and out-there as this film?

SaxyTribo2 karma

I'm moving to the Orlando area in a year and a half, and I plan to go to many concerts down there like I do here. Maybe I'll see you. What are some of the good/most popular venues for metal bands to play down there?

SaxyTribo1 karma

Hey! I'm aware you lived in Naperville, Illinois. I live in Sandwich, IL. You ever been here? It's awful.