Highest Rated Comments

Sarnie-Malqir23 karma

If you want a book I'd recommend Polya's How to Solve It, but I also agree with Zach that nothing can replace actually solving problems and developing those neural pathways for it or whatever yourself.

Sarnie-Malqir14 karma

After reading Zach-like was curious if there was any one particular 'failed' idea you really wish worked out better or would want to revisit?

Sarnie-Malqir11 karma

Okay I'll keep a look out after I win a sufficient amount of solitaire games

Sarnie-Malqir9 karma

Last Call BBS actually has a very similar game if you weren't aware

Sarnie-Malqir7 karma

I'd usually recommend people start with either Infinifactory or Opus Magnum. Exapunks is also a good pick if you aren't turned off by having to type code.