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Sanhen14 karma

I'm a layman and not even American so my knowledge of this is weak at best, but my guess is that there will likely be more to gained from the potential attention to the issues lawsuits like this might bring rather than the results of the judgment.

Sanhen5 karma

Thank you for doing this! I'm a big fan of Star Trek and your work on DS9 and Enterprise. Nowadays Star Trek is primarily a movie franchise, but if they ever made another series (or had a potential role for you in one of the films) would you want to be a part of it or do you want to keep your focus on other projects?

Sanhen2 karma

I haven't played an MMORPG for a few years now, but when I was into them, the market seemed over-saturated and perhaps due to that a lot of MMOs would start hot, but fizzle out. Do you agree that that's largely been the case (was it the case back when I was playing them, but that's changed over the last few years)? What do you think the good MMOs do differently to combat that?

Sanhen1 karma

The damage is in the main office, thus resulting in what is colloquially referred to as "blind sight" - conciously, I am not aware of the majoritity of what my brain is seeing, but my subconcious can register things such as facial expressions and obstacles.

Does the fact that your subconscious can still register images help in any way? What i mean is, do you find yourself aware of certain things around you on some level that you can't actually see or can you more accurately interpret images that you can barely make out?

Sanhen1 karma

Is there any hope of the existing (or at least, up until now existing) net neutrality protections staying in place until this goes through the courts?