Highest Rated Comments

Sandnn20 karma

I would like to know why the ACLU is not partnering with the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) for this lawsuit?

Has the ACLU reached out to the EFF at all? Has the EFF reached out to the ACLU? I do not understand why there is no partnership between the ACLU and EFF. You would think ACLU and EFF combining resources and experiences would be necessary for such an unprecedented lawsuit.

-Long Time EFF Supporter

Sandnn7 karma

Jameel, you did not answer any of my questions. Why is the ACLU and EFF not partnering on this specific case?

I understand that the ACLU and EFF jointly file public opinions amicus briefs. This is a much larger lawsuit. I'll ask again, has the ACLU reached out to the EFF? Has the EFF reached out to the ACLU? Jameel, help me understand why you are not working together with the EFF for this specific case.

Sandnn1 karma

So I guess what you are telling me Jameel, is that you don't want the EFF involved in this specific case, other than writing a public opinion amicus, because EFF will hurt your lawsuit efforts. I can understand that. Good luck on your lawsuit. I hope it isn't thrown out due to State Secrets Privilege, which is what I think everyone is expecting to happen.

Sandnn0 karma

Lobbying by EFF for the past two years has had zero effect producing any change in congress and now TPP Fast Track is closer than ever on being voted in the Senate after recently approved by the Senate Finance Committee. EFF members have been frustrated with being immediately emailed for donation requests when participating in “EFF’s Call for Action” emailing campaigns. Does the EFF realize or admit that TPP Fast Track is likely to be approved very soon and that this is just more foot stomping to drum up donations to the EFF?

Sandnn-9 karma

I think this is yet another misrepresentation by EFF on another important issue. From your response, it's easy to see "EFF call for action" is about raising donations for EFF, and not because "EFF call for action" is on a two year losing streak. Thanks for nothing, again, EFF. EFF is nothing more than a t-shirt and sticker operation.