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Sandmaster14266 karma

I actually have not, I've been pretty fortunate, but honestly I feel like that's a misconception about hitching, I've definitely gotten some weirdos, but I've never once felt in danger. Most of the time it's someone who used to hitch, or wants to live vicariously through me, hear my stories, that type of thing.

Sandmaster14239 karma

I bought a backpack from a army surplus place, they're much cheaper than the backpacking packs you see that come to mind, and for me, much better. I use a Hennessy Hammock which has a bug net/rain fly and that keeps me off the ground as well, I slide a thermal pad into that and I'm cozy as can be, I like it more than some beds! I've got a solar charger, water filter, couple knives, a propane stove thing(very small) a nice sleeping bag, journal, and some needles/floss for patching things.

I grew up skateboarding, and have always been most comfortable in skate shoes, but they're not too practical, so I found a perfect balance in the Emerica Reynolds LX, which is basically a boot.

I also don't like shoes unless I need them, when I was in southern california I didn't wear shoes for 2 months probably

Sandmaster14236 karma

Well honestly the app Tinder was really awesome for finding places to sleep if needed. I'd just message "Hey, I'm traveling through your area and am looking for a couch to stay on, if you know anyone let me know! Here's my social media information so you can do some stalking before hand." or something along those lines, and that'd work more often than couchsurfing or whatever that other site is. But obviously that lead to things a couple times.

I also went to an aforementioned music festival in Colorado which lead to one of the best sexual experiences of my young life, it was one of those times that you're with someone hanging out and everything's just going right, doesn't feel real, it's like it was supposed to happen. We had sex in her tent on an air mattress, which wasn't particularly romantic or anything, but it was phenomenal. Sadly I did not get her contact info, which has bothered me since, but maybe it was better that way.. Who knows.

Sandmaster14234 karma

It is for dating, but I don't try to pick them up. I just send them a message that I'm traveling and looking for a couch for the night, it's the best use of that app I've found. haha It has a better success rate than sites like couchsurfing for me.

Sandmaster14231 karma

I know it's dangerous, I'm not ignorant to the dangers, but there's also school shootings.. Should kids not go to school? Idk man, I just suggest people not live in fear of something that rarely happens