Highest Rated Comments

SaintJackDaniels695 karma

Nice try Jeff Goldblum.

SaintJackDaniels687 karma

Most warmongers have never fought in a war

SaintJackDaniels366 karma

How much of the movies would you say is improv vs scripts?

SaintJackDaniels331 karma

Damn. I only like soft and chewy.

SaintJackDaniels96 karma

  1. Go to Belize.

  2. Stay at Cave Branch Lodge.

  3. Go on the overnight "black hole drop" hike.

  4. At camp, go take a shit.

  5. The toilet is on a ledge in the middle of the rainforest, best shit ever.

EDIT: I couldn't find a picture of the toilet, but I found the view from the toilet! Here it is, along with how to get there, and a view from the cave we spent the night in.
