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SaikoGekido106 karma

Another former PH employee here. The cleaning solution we used on the prep table reacted with my eczema, causing my arms to peel. I was the cook.

SaikoGekido43 karma

I wonder if that psychologically traumatized him for the rest of his life.

SaikoGekido26 karma

I did a minor presentation in my Introduction to Religion class a semester ago about Transhumanism. One thing that was reinforced by my professor throughout every discussion about a different religion was the need to understand the other points of view. After the presentation, many people came up to me and told me that it was the first time they had heard about the Singularity or certain advances in technology that are leading towards it.

However, Stem Cell and Cloning research sanctions show that, outside of a class room setting, people react violently to anything that challenges their religious beliefs.

Has religious idealism held back whole brain emulation or AI research in any meaningful way?