Highest Rated Comments

Sageth72 karma

Thanks for your reply. While I appreciate your answer and your candor, this "flexibility" is what doesn't sit well with me. The government as a whole is known for finding or creating legal loopholes and it seems like this is just a token gesture at this point.

Sageth72 karma

Regarding Obama's quote of,

"So the time has come for the FCC to recognize that broadband service is of the same importance and must carry the same obligations as so many of the other vital services do. To do that, I believe the FCC should reclassify consumer broadband service under Title II of the Telecommunications Act — while at the same time forbearing from rate regulation and other provisions less relevant to broadband services."

How can one, in good faith, say that the Internet is both a public utility that should get the protection that it deserves under the existing Telecommunications Act and then also say that it should have it's own rules that go against the Telecommunications Act? Is it being suggested that the Telecommunications Act be amended to allow for so-called fast lanes?

Sageth49 karma

/u/_DenzelWashington Please help answer this question. S/he deserves it.

Sageth4 karma

I thought the government specifically has laws where they can't retaliate for whistleblowing? I know that clearance contracts are different, but it seems weird to me that the government prohibits retaliation, except when it's the government as the employer. Do you see what happened as retaliation?

Sageth2 karma

I don't think this is just an American issue. This is a global issue now that we have the communications mediums that we have today.