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Sacriliciousmmmm41 karma

I learned early in my hairstyling career to not treat people the way you wanted to be treated but rather to treat people the way they want to be treated. It's just another way to tailor the experience to them and make them feel important and wanted. The more you can do this with someone the more they want to give you their billions. Glad the theory is being put to good use elsewhere.

Sacriliciousmmmm5 karma

I've had educators touch on this kind of thing but have never experienced a class on this as a focus. Ultimately everything comes back down to money money and money and things. They teach you to deceive and sell people things they don't need for the sake of more money. I believe if you're sincere and not full of shit the success and money will follow. Gaining rapport with your clients by not being a car-salesman dickfuck is as important as anything. Unfortunately you can't teach sincerity but it seems like the work you're doing may help people the realize the importance of it.