Highest Rated Comments

SRLob1082 karma

How in holy hell did you manage to pull off a The Ladies Man movie that was not only "good for a Saturday Night Live movie", but just generally a great comedy?

SRLob151 karma

Thank you for the frank reply. It sounds as hard as I'd imagine. I'm sorry that you or anyone has to go through something like that.

SRLob129 karma

Biking while under the influence of drugs seems unnecessarily risky. Have you experienced any pushback from marijuana advocates who are upset that your endeavor is an example of irresponsible use?

SRLob83 karma

Did you tell Dane DeHaan to do a '90s Keanu Reeves impression for Valerian, or was that his idea?

SRLob34 karma

I request more proof. I would accept as little as "some".

Edit: I see. I'm welcome to ask for sufficient proof, but fuck me if I do.

Editedit: Vindication. I love you all.