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SAGNUTZ594 karma

What are some of the most prevalent uses of the dark web that ARENT all shady and nefarious?

SAGNUTZ224 karma

Sorry, shouldve been more descriptive. Well how about a little shady but for altruistic reasons? Cognitive surpluss, not professional kinda weird.

SAGNUTZ15 karma

Terence McKenna had a funny idea that mushrooms could be sentient extra terrestrials. Spores percolating through space landing here and playing a roll in human evolution.

Is there any reason to your mind to give this further thought? If so, would that make us humans more alien than we thought?

SAGNUTZ10 karma

Getting pounded by a doppelganger of our version of him

SAGNUTZ8 karma

The first I've heard it existed was listening to a recording of Art interviewing Terence Mckenna. I'll be tuning in since its still running!