Highest Rated Comments

RyanTG2 karma

Firstly, congratulations on your recovery, it is truly spectacular and you obviously know you are extremely lucky.

I'd like to focus rather on the couple of points you raised in terms of alternative therapies and conventional medicine offering little in terms of treatment. I'm sorry if my questions are answered somewhere, I just couldn't seem to find anything...

What sort of alternative therapies are you researching and to treat what in particular? And also what do you mean by conventional medicines do not have much to offer in terms of treatment?

Your story is amazing, but I would really recommend you thoroughly exploring all conventional treatments before moving onto to other potentially dangerous methods of help. I'm sure you know this and I don't want to belittle or patronise you in any way. Would love a reply though.

RyanTG2 karma

Thank you for taking your time to reply, I do however disagree with your line of reasoning regarding the point about western medicine only treating symptoms and not the cause. There are a plethora of counter-examples to that point and you have to understand that our knowledge of the fundamental pathologies of diseases is extremely limited. Whenever a cure is available, it is used. Whenever we have limited knowledge on a specific illness such as migraines, we can only treat the symptoms i.e painkillers. I can see how an absence of a cure for a disease can give the illusion that the quest for that cure is non-existent and motives are in other places, which I don't doubt is 100% untrue. But it seems much more likely that our ignorance surrounding diseases is the driving force for the lack of a cure. Alzheimer's would be a perfect example, the only treatments available attack the symptoms because we still do not understand how alzheimer's works.

Science based medicine and the neurologica blog would be a great place to start in terms of what I mentioned.

Anyways, I hope you recover, I wish you all the best.

RyanTG0 karma

What does it feel like to have my balls repeatedly thrusted into and out of your mouth?