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RyanForLeader49 karma

Question 1: Natural gas combustion releases half the CO2 compared to oil, reduces our dependency on foreign oil, and--because it’s “homegrown”--provides good jobs for a lot of people. If we could rely solely on renewables today, I would do everything in my power to make it happen. However, the technology and efficiency is simply not there. I see natural gas as a bridge to those renewables, which also can wean down our dependence on oil and coal, which are much dirtier fossil fuels. I have a record of supporting the Clean Power Plan, and strong oversight and regulations on hydraulic fracturing. Question 2. 2015 is when I wrote the oped, but I’ve had a perfect voting record with NARAL for the last 6+ years.

RyanForLeader25 karma

Being from Northeast Ohio, I have seen firsthand the negative impact trade can have on communities around our country. I am very strongly opposed to TPP and for year I have been a vocal opponent of this trade agreement.

RyanForLeader21 karma

Solid question. No one can deny that Nancy is a phenomenal fundraiser, but if money was the only problem, Hillary Clinton would be the President and Democrats would be in the majority. It's our message, not our fundraising, that's hurting us in these elections. We need someone who can walk into both a Union Hall, a church, and a fundraiser in Napa Valley, and I can do that. I will use all my energy to travel this country to help raise money for Democrats.

RyanForLeader20 karma

I whole-heartily support Medicare or all and I am a cosponsor of the Expanded and Improved Medicare for All Act in the House

RyanForLeader10 karma

We need to get voters engaged again in the Democratic process. We need to let voters know that we understand their frustration and disillusionment by going to their communities and listening to what they have to say. We need to let voters know that we hear them and we need to speak to their anxieties regarding the economic and social adversity they are facing.