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RustyLemons9179 karma

Hey Mr. Noesner,

Thanks for taking the time to do this. One question I have is if there was a major moral struggle in your career, as the show portrayed. If it went down as the show portrayed, what brought on the feelings of doubt in what you do as making a sufficient difference in the interest of nonviolence, and you being “the same” as everyone opting for more violent tactics as a means to protect themselves and have less protracted conflicts?

If there was a major moral struggle in your career, but not the specific one in the show, what was it and what brought it on?

Edit: Hey everyone, in case it goes unseen, Noesner said goodbye under my comment around 1:38PM EST. So yeah, assuming it’s concluded

RustyLemons96 karma

Speaking from my own experience, try an exhaustive approach with doctors. The more things you cancel out, the closer you are to explaining what it is. Like for instance, a few years ago i was having major issues with daytime sleepiness and fatigue. I have Crohn’s disease, an autoimmune disease, so that’s a common mention as to what might be causing the fatigue. I wasn’t experiencing symptoms at the time though, and a sleep apnea test turned up no positive results. What ended up helping my sleep and wakefulness in the long run was an ADHD diagnosis and prescription amphetamines. So many things affect sleep that it’s really tough to find out which one is doing it unless you disprove most of the options. Good luck