Highest Rated Comments

RunsWithPremise867 karma

How many of your own stunts do you get to do in a movie like 300 or Olympus or Gamer? Have there been times when the studio has said, "Woah, no way" when you were ready to jump through a window or something like that?

RunsWithPremise546 karma

Does seeing really big dicks all day sort of change your expectations in the real world?

RunsWithPremise255 karma

I lived in Flint and went to Kettering. I used to live on Sunset over by Mott Park and the golf course.

One thing that always intrigued me about Flint was that it was this crime-ridden town with all kinds of violence and theft, yet you could go weeks at a time without realizing you were in that sort of a town. It just seemed like an interesting dichotomy to me. We would go to school and walk past normal middle class neighborhoods and then, one day, we'd randomly see a guy hanging by his neck from the bridge over the Flint River.

Knowing what you know and seeing what you see, do you ever fall into that illusion that Flint is a "normal" town from time to time? Or is that now impossible for you?

RunsWithPremise92 karma

I love the Biscoff cookies

RunsWithPremise27 karma

I used to enjoy the Sloan Museum. I'm a car guy, so that was always neat for me.

We were all bummed when Happy Hour got bulldozed.