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Rudimon10 karma


I hope that I'm not too late for this and I have so many questions. The whole refugee thing is an extremely controversial matter at the moment and the mass media is perpetuating the hate from everyone against everyone.

I have to admit that I'm rather sceptical about refugees from the near east. The media is full of reports about radical Muslims that come to Europe and seem to try to establish their own islamic states within our countries.

My impression of most Muslims is that they don't want to integrate, that they want to force their beliefs and sharia laws onto the people of the country that feeds them and gives them shelter and that they actually hate the country and its people. Oppression of women, honor killings and racist behavior against Germans are a part of this country now just like the Islam seems to be a part of Germany, as the president said it.

All that we want is living our lives in peace and freedom. I don't want to walk through the streets and not be able to read any of the signs because they are in Turkish or Arabic or whatever. I don't want to get hateful looks and feel unwelcome in my own country.

I know that all of you just want to live in peace as well but for me it seems that religion and conservatism is always going to disrupt this freedom and prevent us from achieving a feeling of unity.

I hope that I don't come across too hateful, I really do wish that we can all live together peacefully but actions of minorities always get to separate our cultures metaphorically.

My questions to you would be:

How important for you are religious freedom and liberty? Do you think that religion goes above personal rights and do you think that religion can justify violence or killing?

What do you think of Germany and the people of Germany you have met so far?

How are the living conditions in the refugee camps and where you are at the moment?

What do you think about the situation in Syria and the surrounding countries in general. How do you think these problems could be solved?

Thank you for doing this and I really apologize if I come across hateful or prejudiced. I know that I have a rather negative perception against people from Islamic countries and I think the best way to get along better is getting to know each other and finding things we have in common.