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RoxyTronix23 karma

I like the chocolate scorecard, from Green America they recently added deforestation to the existing score measures of child and forced labor use.

One thing they discuss is understanding what certification can and can't tell consumers. As consumers, what resources and talking points should we have to make better ethical decisions?

I guess I'm wondering, specifically, what kind of misleading labeling and terminology (like fair trade/organic certifications, for example, which rarely mean what consumers are lead to believe in terms of standards and practices) should we look for to root out bad faith companies attempting to look like good faith companies?

RoxyTronix3 karma

But, honestly, I'm a bit overwhelmed sometimes. But I don't know who to talk to about that, like, who is your person when your person doesn't understand your shit?

RoxyTronix3 karma

You know, I'm actually pretty okay with my body. I'm a bit boy, I'm a bit girl, I'm a bit not any of these things. It seems that the only ppl telling me what I should think of me are usually asshats, and I have a pretty dope 40 something asshat shield.

RoxyTronix2 karma

I just found out a few months ago that I'm intersex, and I already knew I had hormone shifts due to my estrogen side because of endometriosis, but did not know that my high testosterone was a thing until my late 30s, and didn't know the amount of testosterone made me a bit different than your average samurai until 2020...

Im still trying to wrap my head around it. It's odd, but not surprising?! I guess? I called it something different in my head, should I stick to that,?

What's your advice on how to cope when you just found out there's even more ways to hate you... other than the ones that you previously thought would be dope, until they're not.