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Rowdy10109 karma

Based on HarmonTown it kind of seems like the Community cast were fed up with Harmon's issues.

I love Community and I know that art rarely comes from well-adjusted people, but Harmon kind of comes off as an irresponsible douche in his documentary.

Rowdy1046 karma

Check out HarmonTown on Netflix. There's a couple interviews from former co-workers and they don't hold much back.

Rowdy1034 karma

Even though I don't know you and I'm not a famous person, I'm glad you didn't do it.

Rowdy1027 karma

Do the wheelhouse, galley, and other indoor areas of the ship smell as bad as I imagine? Everybody smokes and is covered in sweat, salt, and fish

Rowdy1022 karma

Were you on the ship back in the Phil Harris days? If so, is there anything that is strikingly different that we might not pick up on in the show?

Does the crew not realize the captains can hear their bitching on deck or do they not care?

We've seen some captains be a little douchey to the camera crew. How are Josh and Casey?