Highest Rated Comments

Rose198290 karma

Love is love.

That's it.

(And lust is lust... who cares, it happens, as long as we're all safe about it).

Rose198236 karma

I'm a pale Irish girl and I lived in Taiwan for a couple of years... The women there LOVED my skin. I'm sure you'd be envied in Taiwan.

Rose198217 karma

When did you first realize you were straight?

Rose19829 karma

My cat bites my husband's feet more than mine but I'm the one she wakes up in the morning in order to feed her. Usually by cuddling with my face.

Rose19826 karma

Does your daughter go to a "regular" school? Does she have an aide with her throughout the day? How does she participate in classroom activities? She's young now, but as she grows older and school starts to become more serious, how will she complete assignments (i.e. research, essay writing, science experiments)?