Highest Rated Comments

RooftopBBQ547 karma

I can see the Yelp reviews now. "Despite attending many of this therapist's sessions, I am still gay. 2/10, would not recommend"

RooftopBBQ272 karma


RooftopBBQ231 karma

Once I played a hip hop song that an intern had promised me was OK lyrics-wise...after it had broadcast I got a call from my manager asking me why the song said "I want to get out of this communist prison" !!! I thought I was going to get fired!! Also the asshole story!

So what happened? And do you have to screen all your songs for content that is critical of the government?

RooftopBBQ104 karma

They probably think KSP is for dirty casuals.

RooftopBBQ46 karma

My point stands that it is not genetic and so is disingenuous to pin the problem on a genetic trait.

he's not saying it's genetics, but according to his experience (which most certainly trumps yours), women are the better choice here. WHY that is the case (nurture vs nature) is irrelevant. He's not trying to challenge gender norms, he's just helping protect a nature reserve.