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RoboBeardSloth2 karma

tower climber here. i have been doing this for a month and just got put on an audit crew for at&t section of my company. so im completely fresh and im keeping this job for a while, whats the best advice for a fellow tower climber?

RoboBeardSloth2 karma

in america we are constantly told in history classes that the internment camps here weren't nearly as bad as the ones in germany and poland, which to some degree is true but i cant help but think that there is some stories that are terrible that our governments/teachers/professors dont tell us, is that true?

RoboBeardSloth1 karma

hahaha, that's awesome, i actually watched the video about 3 days ago so when i saw this AMA i had to ask something! and i know what you mean about the piano, feel the same way about my bass guitar. must have been so unreal though, to be at the show is one thing but then you get to perform? holy tits that's so cool

RoboBeardSloth1 karma

how nervous were you when you first sat down at the piano when you got called out of the audience? was is scary or did you feel at home at your instrument?

RoboBeardSloth1 karma

does it anger you that the hype about Haiti died down so suddenly? one minute everyone was talking about sending money to Haiti for relief and the next minute everyone had forgotten about it?