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RobinIsAGoodfellow4 karma

We hold these Truths to be self-evident: That all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights; That among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.

The Declaration proclaimed our Freedom, Founded our Country, and acknowledged our Rights flow from God, not from Government. Our Constitution enshrined those Rights and restrained our Government from infringing upon them.

RobinIsAGoodfellow3 karma

Thank you for engaging. My italics are not a quote, but rather for emphasis. Quotes, however, abound:

The purpose of this Article is only to define those shares of liberty the Framers intended to retain and those given up in the context of the Second Amendment. By way of preview, this Article will contend that the original intent of the Second Amendment was to protect each individual's right to keep and bear arms, and to guarantee that individuals acting collectively could throw off the yokes of any oppressive government which might arise. Thus, the right envisioned was not only the right to be armed, but to be armed at a level equal to the government. http://www.constitution.org/2ll/2ndschol/89vand.pdf 2nd Page, 3rd Paragraph

RobinIsAGoodfellow1 karma

Evening Mr. Koppel -

You developed the remarkable journalistic technique of simultaneous live split screen interviews with opposing experts - and produced some of the most spin-free, cut-to-the-chase moments in broadcast history - particularly when your two opposing principals began direct debate without your intercession. Your technique is seldom used by the broadcast and cable networks (except for the Presidential Debates), and the result is dueling analysis by vapid talking heads who are usually vested in a particular point of view, or clueless. Do interviewees object to your format, and therefor refuse to participate? Or do networks prefer other formats for other reasons?

RobinIsAGoodfellow1 karma

And citizens would never have to fight our honorable military. The military would quickly turn on any civilian command structure that ordered an attack on Americans on American soil. The very refusal of our military to follow illegal orders would end the conflict, likely without a shot being fired.

RobinIsAGoodfellow-3 karma

You are correct that the Founders understood that as times changed, the Constitution would need to be changed along with society. But those changes were (and are) expected to be made with the super-super majorities required to make those changes legally - Amending the Constitution. Our leaders have forgotten that too, and too frequently seek to avoid and circumvent the immutable Rights from God upon which we were founded.