RiverFinn63 karma8/12/2015, 4:56:00 PM
What inspires you the most when painting/drawing? And where do you get all the great ideas?
Also, if you could, for one day, be someone else who would you be, why? :)
Keep up the good work :)
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RiverFinn1 karma9/15/2016, 9:03:03 PM
How has life been in LA? Also will you be appearing on the new season of Posse?
RiverFinn1 karma9/15/2016, 9:05:01 PM
What has been the coolest/craziest experience in Hollywood so far?
RiverFinn63 karma
What inspires you the most when painting/drawing? And where do you get all the great ideas?
Also, if you could, for one day, be someone else who would you be, why? :)
Keep up the good work :)
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