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Ritrezer2 karma

Hey, thanks for doing this AMA, Mr. Yang! New Super-Man is easily in my top 3 Rebirth books right now and I'm absolutely loving Kenan Kong. That book is filled with so much heart and a pure sense of fun, which is accentuated by Bogdanovic's great art and design work. I want thank you both for you work on that title and all the effort you're putting in. I foresee Kenan becoming a big hit in time, wit ha lasting legacy in the DC canon, like Kamala has in recent memory for Marvel.

Now, that aside. Questions:-

1) Who are your biggest writing influences inside comics? Also, who're some creators you'd love to co-write stuff with?

2) What are your favorite Superman works and runs/creators?

3) What's an overlooked element of the Superman franchise and character that you wish people paid more attention to?

4) Are there any other DC heroes, big or osbscure that you'd love to tackle in the future?

5) Can we expect more Big two work from you aside from New Super-man in the near future?

6) Can you shed some light on your scripting process, esp when it comes to big two books and what it's like working with the editors to make the best book possible?

7) What would be your advice to young creators looking to break in and hone their craft? Any advice? Scripting tips?

8) What's your favorite story, in any medium, that you wish more people read/knew about?

9) What was your favorite superhero title growing up?

Well, shit. I asked waaaay too many questions. Sorry in advance. ;_; Again, thanks for doing this AMA, Mr. Yang.

Ritrezer1 karma

Grant! Love Happy, love your work, huge fan! One question- - Are you still working on Multiversity Too? Is that project still happening? If not, what happened?

The Flash, Atom and Batman: Black and White stuff sounded amazing.