Highest Rated Comments

RiotLomar360 karma

We try. We try.

RiotLomar266 karma

Nothing's off the table, but we aren't yet actively considering a blackout. I think the immediate concern for us is whether or not this would upset more players than not. We're open to using as many levers as we can to push political action, though.

We're definitely going to take all options under consideration. Our goal is to do our part to help defeat SOPA, and we'll do whatever we think is most effective to make that happen.

RiotLomar252 karma

No streams, no contests, far less general interaction with the community. Less fun.

RiotLomar214 karma

This doesn't hit us nearly as hard as it hits our community. I'll just give a few tangible examples:

  • Streaming: There's no way that Riot can risk promoting our streamers by linking or embedding. We have no effective way to pre-screen a streamer's content (although we definitely DO urge that people respect IP law). Under the DMCA, we definitely get some breathing room here if someone commits infringement. Under SOPA, even an embed potentially exposes us to injunctions against payment providers, ad networks, and potentially worse given the immunity provisions in §105(a).

And keep in mind that many streaming sites would be §102 (foreign) sites - subject to DNS blocking. Oh wait, my bad. "Feasible" blocking now. Whoops. So really, there's an open question as to if these would exist.

  • Links in the forums: Yeah, again, no effective way to pre-screen. Absolutely gone. That's one step removed from our top level domain. This is truly scary stuff.

In short, think of it this way. Any serious engagement of our community that involves derivative content of OUR IP that is not rigorously screened and cleared has the potential to expose us to such a magnitude of liability that the business case is prohibitive.

RiotLomar167 karma

Haha. Clever. :P