Highest Rated Comments

RingoC9 karma

As a police officer, I've got to take issue with your first point. There's a reason why almost every police officer who carries a taser has been tased themselves, and yet we don't shoot police officers so that they can carry a gun - tasers are quite safe. Yes, of course there are bad outcomes sometimes, we've all seen the news stories. Often these deaths are from a combination of factors (already agitated subject, physical struggle to exhaustion, the subject being restrained in a way that puts even more strain on their heart and lungs, pre-existing poor health or medical condition) where the taser is just a part of the puzzle.

A city where I used to live did a great thing (in my opinion) by agreeing to do a press release every time a taser is deployed at a call. It's good because it shows people how often the tool is used safely and as-intended. They haven't had a taser death ever, as far as I know, but they did it because people thought that if they get tasered, they're going to die, and it's just not true.

I know that people are scared of tasers, and I also recognize that they're subject to abuse, same as anything (although our policy and training is very good now, there are many different departments out there with different standards and quality of training). But I'd bet a year's pay that tasers save lives, because they get deployed in situations where otherwise a person would get shot. They aren't always a suitable choice, but when they are they are great to have.

As for your second point, if you're trying to boot someone's door at 5am and you have a weapon and don't respond to verbal commands, yes, taser would be considered very quickly. But every situation and person is different,and obviously I don't know how your illness presents itself. If there's a chance of resolving the situation without violence, of course I'll pursue that.

And point three... I'm not a doctor, I shouldn't have the ability to compel you to take medication. I'll just take you to see a doctor if I believe that you can't be left alone safely (which, if somebody called the police, is probably the case).

RingoC5 karma

Dear W. Rowntree,

First, my copy of Finding Jesus literally just arrived. So thank you for that! It's gorgeous and I can't wait to spend some time with it looking for easter eggs.


A few questions...

What's your process like now? Was it different for the book than it is for your other comics?

Any plans to revisit Captain Estar at any point?

I still have a copy of your GW Bush comic here somewhere. Also, for some reason, I just thought of your Mr. Brooks binder - do you still have that kicking around?

You should come out and visit sometime. That's not a question, I know.