Highest Rated Comments

RidiculousIncarnate332 karma

Consider something like this for your customers. Not every month or anything but just a primer so they know roughly what they are getting value wise for their money.

'crate' businesses like these are a neat idea but also notorious for not maintaining their value vs cost to the customer.

I would recommend giving people a little peek behind the scenes to tell us WHY we should buy your product over the alternatives.

That aside, good luck!

RidiculousIncarnate42 karma

BMy guess would be to stop it from crying, even completely sane and sober parents can be driven a little nuts by constant crying and some do extreme things to stop it.

If all you have is breast milk, raging withdrawl headaches and meth then the solution, as idiotic as it is, seems simple.

This entire situation is just fucking tragic.

RidiculousIncarnate9 karma

The seats are actually the single most important reason I started specifically shopping there, the prices/store cleanliness/selection etc etc all of that and the thing that spoke to me the most was a company who cared enough to make sure their cashiers didn't develop injuries from hunching over a check lane.

Every other retail company I've worked for has opportunities to do things like this and refuse to because it looks 'unprofessional'.

So, thank you, that little thing meant quite a lot to one loyal customer.

RidiculousIncarnate5 karma

Wait... there's no Baneblade in the game?


RidiculousIncarnate2 karma

I tried the Cinnamon Applesauce, the little cups by chance? And hated it as well, I think it's just a preference. The Strawberry ones on the other hand were great!