Highest Rated Comments

Ricta9021 karma

Have you at all entertained the conspiracy that Jeff Lowe is actually Michael Murdock? It's kind of a funny conspiracy, especially being they have similar looking faces.

Edit: Sorry didn't meant Don at first, got the names backwards

Ricta9018 karma

Most brain drugs are poorly-understood in the first place.

I'd say it's this. I'm just lurking here, but I have epilepsy, and the way that is treated sounds very similar. They try to find out if there's history of it in your family to see if there are any drugs used successfully with them in the past, if not, they go down the same X, Y, Z path. Tell me your symptoms, then try this drug, if that doesn't work, try this drug, if that doesn't work, try this drug, etc...

My take on it is the human brain is just so complex and we really have barely scratched the surface of how it works, but we've found some things that have helped us with certain conditions so far.

Ricta9013 karma

I guess I've never looked into copyright and patent laws for software, are there any features that you can't replicate because of a patent? Or any loops you had to jump through to make a competing product like this?

Ricta905 karma

Yes, you're right, Michael Murdock is who I meant.