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Rhonardo197 karma
If the Constitution allows for it, then it's American. You can't side with only 1/2 of what the Electoral College stands for while denying the other half just because you don't like it.
Rhonardo21 karma
DACA is temporary. It's not Obama's fault a Republican Congress refused to work on any kind of immigration reform. The whole idea was to stop kids from getting deported because Congress wouldn't do it's job to protect them.
Just look at what Trump himself said, that if they don't have something in 6 months (which they probably won't unfortunately), he'll "revisit the issue"
Rhonardo7 karma
I watched pretty much all of the 2017 Election live stream you put on with your friends. We were all having fun and laughing but then things started to get real dark, and ended with you alone in the studio reading news articles about what the fuck just happened.
Honestly, I don't know if I would have been able to get through that night with my sanity in tact if it wasn't for your show, as painful as I'm sure it was. There was something reassuring that I wasn't alone in feeling helpless and stunned.
What was it like being their live in the room? What did you do after the show? You did a great job being honest about your feelings but that couldn't have been an easy situation to put yourself in.
Rhonardo5 karma
Not Chris but I do think the saying "a big fish in a small pond" is accurate in comedy. Just because you don't live in a big city doesn't mean there aren't opportunities to hone your craft and learn what drives you.
There's so much more competition in the big cities that getting stage time/etc can actually be harder if you're trying to start. But if you build up your skills and network before coming out, you'll have a leg up on the competition.
Also it makes you more interesting imo because you'll have a pov that's different than the rest of the city slickers.
Rhonardo598 karma
That's why Nancy Pelosi went out and told all the Democrats in Congress not to do his show. It really put an end to that segment
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