Highest Rated Comments

RepostFrom4chan58 karma

Chilling read. How that country continues to have this penalty in the modern age is baffling.

RepostFrom4chan34 karma

True, most modern western democracies are much more focused for their criminal justice system to benefit the state and society so recidivism and lower crime rates are the goal. Much less resources are used for retribution and punishment. Hard for me to see the value in that exchange I guess.

As for "freedom", I'm not sure what metric you are using, but the US is nowhere close to #1 on any of them I am aware of. It's curerntly #46 on the press freedom index and #25 on the index of economic freedom. Bit better on the human freedom index at #14, but very far from #1. These are all co-published reports from US and non US universities.

You are #1 in incarceration however.. 400k more than thr next leading country China who has over 4x your population..

RepostFrom4chan4 karma

This isn't an AMA, its an ad.. close this mods?

RepostFrom4chan3 karma

What is one thing someone who has never been in your position cannot understand that you wish they could?

RepostFrom4chan1 karma

Stick with the RC stuff for a hobby is probably the smart move. I can't imagine it being anywhere close to as expensive as the real thing is.