Highest Rated Comments

Redditistheplacetobe69 karma

Well, to be fair the STD doesn't come with age.

Redditistheplacetobe8 karma

This requires creating money with no value, so it's not economically feasible to do it for every living person. The money would not be worth anything.

I understand free money to a control group is giving positive results because the group is small enough to be sustained. Once you go worldwide, it's utterly impossible though ?

Redditistheplacetobe8 karma

Do you really believe this to be true if said theory would have to be applied indefinitely ?

Redditistheplacetobe4 karma

Never drive a nice car if you can't get the speed to escape with it.

Redditistheplacetobe4 karma

Fast hatchback , just put on a suit , hang both your coats on a hanger in the backseat. Just on the road for work.