Highest Rated Comments

Raptorzesty5 karma

Nuance is important.

Not on "Orange man bad" Reddit.

Raptorzesty5 karma

Or worse, someone gets a photo of you and claims you groped them, and now you've lost your job and however many friends and opportunities before you can even say, "It wasn't me."

Raptorzesty2 karma

Do you think you would get the same positive response if you ran an all-man ranger team?

Raptorzesty-1 karma

It's ok to be white.

It's ok to be black.

It's ok to be asian.

It's ok to be latino.

These are all true, and people are allowed to say #blackpride or #blackpower, but if I say #whitepride or #whitepower, then I'm labeled a racist. Maybe people would stop being drawn to these fringe ideas if there wasn't genuine socially acceptable racism towards white people.







How much do you want to bet someone is going to call me racist for saying this?

Raptorzesty-3 karma

There is nothing wrong with being white, and there is nothing wrong with pointing that out. Not everyone who says that is on there way to being a white supremacist; some people like memes.

edit: Oh no, the down votes are telling me I committed a wrongthink.