Highest Rated Comments

RandyBeaman32 karma

You know, you rape a couple dozen women and suddenly that's all people talk about you.

RandyBeaman19 karma

Could we get Brent Spiner to play a hick cylon with remarkably bad luck?

RandyBeaman18 karma

I need to share this story with people who will understand. The first time I saw Before Sunset when Jesse said his last line I was thinking to myself, "This would be the perfect place to end this, but no director has the balls-" and then the screen faded to black. I swear it felt like I got kicked it the chest, I was so blown away. Hands down, my favorite ending to any movie. Just perfect.

RandyBeaman12 karma

I don't know, choosing between Keiko or Cally, ugg, now you know why these guys hung out with machinery most of the time.

RandyBeaman4 karma

How much do solar winds affect tropical systems or weather in general?