Highest Rated Comments

RandomMandarin919 karma

millions of dollars worth of mercy

After a full 30 seconds I decided this meant *merch.

But I spent about 20 seconds of that trying to imagine a warehouse filled with intangible goods like optimism, prudence, forbearance, gratitude, and of course mercy, which as we all know is not strained and droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven.

RandomMandarin257 karma

Winking Owl Merlot. It's the Aldi version of Three Buck Chuck.

RandomMandarin192 karma

It's about the same percentage on the outside.

RandomMandarin186 karma

Jaw, meet floor.

Edit: see, this is what keeps me coming back to Reddit. Nationally important figure does an AMA, and HE learns something surprising about his own history!

RandomMandarin154 karma

No karma, only hallucination from malnourish.