Highest Rated Comments

Raise-Emotional40 karma

I really enjoyed getting badges as a scout since I wasn't great in school as a dyslexic kid. But I ended up quitting because we were told all the time about the amazing trips we were gonna take. Rock climbing! The mountains! Camping!

Shit. We never got more than 6 miles from home.

Raise-Emotional20 karma

Is this predominantly a desk job? Or are you having to run around and organize?

Raise-Emotional15 karma

The biggest problem was a kid who's Dad was the Den leader. This kid made a lot of promises. But I think the craziest thing we ever did was Stab dozens of cloves into an apple to make an air freshener. Sucks I get so jealous when I hear people's great scouting stories. I just got a turdy pack.

Raise-Emotional-4 karma

What do you think about the SEC head Gary Gensler admitting that most retail trades are being filtered through private dark pools? This is validation for the Apes. But calls into question the validity of the entire market.