Highest Rated Comments

RadRac21 karma

I'm not the OP on this question, but this study seems to point to the stress and mental anguish of women when they go undiagnosed. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/1362361319853442

RadRac18 karma

Seriously, MBE questions are easy to practice, there are a bunch of apps and programs online. Do 20 before bed every night.

What you NEED to do is practice the essays under timed conditions. If you can pump out an essay in 20 minutes covering 3 different topics, and can do that back to back for 9 essays, it means you will have time to go back and edit or review questions for hidden bits you may have missed. Or, if your state limits you in terms of words, it will give you that extra time to fit your essay in under the word limit. However, if you do not practice under test conditions, there is a much bigger chance you will get bogged down on 1 question and not have enough time for your other essays, losing you a ton of points. The point of the essay game is to read, make quick work of your analysis, and power through the words, and the only way to get that timing down is writing timed essay after timed essay after timed essay.

RadRac8 karma

There are atudies that show it is often harder for neurodivergent women to get proper diagnoses (such as adhd or autism) and instead are labeled with anxiety or depression. To what extent have you seen, in your practice, women coming in who are not depressed and who are simply struggling because symptoms of adhd and other neurodiversities have intensified with the hormone change?

RadRac4 karma

It worked last year!

RadRac4 karma

The MagOlympics should end up being on the schedule much like all of the concerts and such. So when the schedule is released you should have the timing of everything.

If you have concerns I do recommend you put comments on the feedback form for MAGOlympics or hit them up on the facebook page.