Highest Rated Comments

Quwilaxitan17 karma

Hello, thank you for your story! I would like to ask, do you feel like your treatment was adequate and that you were well received, or were the dr.'s like, "it's another cancer patient?" It seems like in the states there is this attitude of treating people like $$ and that's about it and it freaks me out to think of going through what you did without supporting Dr.'s

What is your favorite animal to photograph?

Quwilaxitan3 karma

I wish I had an important and thought provoking question to ask but I don't. I would like to thank you for all you guys do though, and say keep it up. We need those who have power, even a small amount to keep fighting the good fight. As a poor person (but one with no debt!!!) I do what I can everyday to help those I can and not support the machine as much as possible... I hope to eventual make a significant difference and contribution like you all have. Thank you!!

Quwilaxitan2 karma

They are! I love my time in AUS and I'd love to see some of you work if it's online? Way to go, stay healthy, and keep up the inspiring attitude it's like a breath of fresh air.

Quwilaxitan1 karma

I love spicy things... As a shriacha lover, I'd love you to sell me on your hot sauce over my favorite brand and tell me why I need to switch!

Quwilaxitan1 karma

Nice and subtle :)